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Saturday, December 15, 2007

MSN Personal Messages

"MSN Personal Messages" series

* The circle only has one side.
* You run around in circles, until you realize you are all alone.
* It's not easy to stop me. Can't keep the lion from hunting.
* If you want something you never had. Do something you never did.
* A "Balanced" diet, is a bar of chocolate in each hand.
* The eyes don't see. It is the Heart.
* Alhey kyvegen, Alhey kyvegen. (Note: This is an Maldivan person)
* If I could, I would.
* Love is a canvas furnished by Nature and embroidered by imagination.
* Good Luck is often with the man who deosn't include it in his plans.
* True beauty is seen through closed eyes.
* Software is like sex, it's better when it's free.
* GRUB, GRand Unified Boot loader.

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